Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The grass is always greener...

I like to think that it doesn't happen very often but I was having one of those awful days today. You know the ones where you can feel it building and try as you may to redirect your energy you keep heading back in the same direction of Doomsville. Finally, after the “ump teenth” time of feeling like the wind was taken out from under me I decided to go visit the one person who could always change my direction, knock some sense into me and help me realize my potential to get through the impossible.

I hadn't been to see him for a while. Even though I think about him almost every day I hadn't taken the time to really stop and have a conversation. Beautiful fall days have always been both our favorite times of year so I took the short drive down the street, parked the car and sat and visited for a while. Ok I will admit a few tears fell during our visit but then as I was leaving I noticed a tree full of monarch butterflies. It was amazing! I'm sure they were there when I arrived but until our visit I was so focused on what was in the moment I forgot to look at what was all around.

As I was getting back into the office I received a text from a friend in the hospital. It was hard to read but she wanted me to contact her husband. After a few frantic emails and texts I soon learned she had given birth to twins this morning. Several weeks early one much smaller than the other but both babies breathing on their own and girls and Momma doing well. And I thought what a beautiful fall day it turned out to be.

With all the ups and downs of the day one image has kept repeating in my mind. As I was leaving the cemetery from visiting my Dad's grave this afternoon I observed an older gentleman. He was dressed as if he was an avid gardener and drove a bright yellow older model Volkswagen convertible with duct tape on the back window and if you could judge a book by its cover he looked like the type of guy who had lived a few adventures in his day. As I watched he took a 5 gallon bucket out of his car and dipped a galvanized watering can into it and began sprinkling water all over one small area of grass. It was so touching I had to take a second look into his private moment and say a small thank you to him and his beloved and a reaffirmation to myself to remember to make everyday count and to leave a lasting impression on everyone I meet in hopes that I may touch someone enough that through a long hot summer’s drought they may care enough to make sure I have greener grass for eternity!

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